
RIAU - Prosecutors charged Edi Sukaria and Suharno with eight years in prison in a corruption case of misuse of PT Siak Prima Nusalima's capital investment in the sale of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) through third parties for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

Both were charged with violating Article 2 paragraph (1) Jo. Article 18 of the Corruption Crime Law Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code Jo. 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"For the defendant Edi Sukaria, the public prosecutor demanded that the defendant be sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine of Rp. 350 million, subsidiary to six months and sentenced the defendant to pay compensation of Rp. 107,129,679, which if the defendant does not pay, the subsidiary will be sentenced to four years in prison," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Siak District Attorney's Office, Heydy Hazamal Huda at the Pekanbaru Corruption Court, Wednesday, July 26.

Meanwhile, for the defendant Suharno, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) demanded a replacement money of Rp1,804,020,770. If the defendant does not pay, the subsidiary will be sentenced to four years in prison.

Heydy explained that the defendant Edi Sukaria as Head of the Finance Section of PT SPN had exceeded the authority and without the knowledge of the board of directors unilaterally appointed the defendant Suharno both personally and as the director of CV Somad.

The two parties cooperated in the sale of FFB which was carried out without a study on business feasibility, corporate mobility, without a proposal document for cooperation and without a guarantee mechanism. This resulted in financial losses from the Siak Regency Government c.q Regional Owned Enterprises PT Sarana Pembangunan Siak and PT Perkebunan Nusantara V amounting to Rp1,911,150,449.

PT SPN is a company whose establishment was initiated by the Siak Regency Government, PTPN V and the Bogor Agricultural Institute. Then it was stated in a memorandum of understanding about business cooperation in investing in the production and distribution of plantation materials by establishing and operating a joint venture company called PT Siak Prima Nusalima.

"The capital to establish PT SPN is Rp. 20 billion from the Siak Regency Government through the BUMD PT SPS of Rp. 15 billion, PTPN V of Rp. 3 billion and IPB through its subsidiary PT Prima Kelola Agribusiness Agroindustri of Rp. 2 billion," he said.

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