
The Head of Drugs at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Achmad Ardhy, revealed the reason for artist Bobby Josep to return to using drugs due to family problems.

"He was born into family problems, he was stressed, that's why he was trapped in drugs," Ardhy told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, July 25.

Ardhy also explained that Bobby got synthetic tobacco drugs from Instagram social media at a price of Rp. 100 to Rp. 300 thousand. Bobby has been using drugs since 2020, alone.

The 'Gram' is uncertain. But he admitted to paying 100-300 thousand. Hidden somewhere and later in shared lock with the seller. So he didn't meet in person. Until now he has consumed alone," he said.

Bobby was charged with Article 112 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009.

"The penalty is 5 to 15 years in prison," he concluded.

Previously, artist Bobby Josep was again arrested by the police on suspicion of drug abuse of synthetic type weighing 0.46 grams. He was arrested at his home in the Cinere area, Depok, Friday, July 21, at night.

Ardhy explained that apart from arresting Bobby, the police also secured evidence of synthetic tobacco.

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