
A joint team from the Agam Regency Government, West Sumatra and residents found two residents of Jorong Pantas, Nagari Tanjung Sani, Tanjung Raya District, who were buried by landslides due to high rainfall on Thursday (13/7).

Secretary of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, Olkawendi, said that the two victims were found by a joint team from BPBD, Polri, TNI, sub-district government, nagari government, local residents and others at around 07.00 WIB.

"The two bodies of the victim were found almost simultaneously with a few minutes and the victim's body was immediately taken to the nearest health center," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 14.

He said the victim's body was handed over to the family for burial and burial.

The two victims were buried by landslides after heavy rainfall hit the area from Thursday (13/7) afternoon to Friday (14/7) morning.

Due to heavy rains, two villages in Tanjung Raya District were affected by landslides, floods and fallen trees.

"The landslides, floods and fallen trees occurred in nine jorongs in the two villages," he said.

Floods and landslides hit six jorongs in Nagari Tanjung Sani, namely, Jorong Pandan, Sigiran, Sungai Tampang, Pantas, Batunanggai and Galapuang.

Furthermore, Jorong Alai and Jorong Muko-muko, Nagari Koto Malintang. In Jorong Sigiran, Pantas and Batunanggai based on temporary data, a number of houses were found that were heavily damaged.

In Jorong Deserves to say, there are three landslide points, namely at Jembatan Kuning, Bandar Kantor Nagari and Sarojo.

Residents are advised to always increase their vigilance during high rainfall, so as not to become victims.

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