West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Regional Police revealed that there were 573 traffic accidents in their area over the past six months. With the number of victims who died as many as 224 people.
"Of the 573 traffic accidents, 224 people died, 275 people suffered serious injuries, and 429 people suffered minor injuries. This shows the level of violation and the risk of traffic accidents is quite high, this needs mutual attention. Good collaboration and cooperation are needed to increase awareness of traffic drivers ethics," said West Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pipit Rismanto while leading the 2023 Kapuas Patuh Operation preparation meeting at the West Kalimantan Police Headquarters page, Monday, July 10, quoted by Antara.
Related to this, he emphasized to all his staff to maximize Operation Patuh Kapuas 2023 where traffic operations carried out throughout Indonesia starting from July 10 to July 23, 2023, this is to reduce the number of traffic violations in West Kalimantan.
"Regarding the Kapuas Patuh operation, we convey to all personnel and related parties present at the troop rally, that traffic is the lifeblood, and it is important to create safe traffic through police activities, so we must provide excellent service to the community," he said.
In addition, Inspector General of Police Pipit Rismanto also stated that to support traffic safety, it is necessary to provide good road facilities that meet safety standards.
"Good service is the demands of the community. All personnel involved in this obedient operation must show their best performance and educate the public in appropriate prevention methods," he said.
Pipit added that all personnel in the field must follow the instructions and directions set out in this operation.
"Mapping points prone to traffic and law enforcement as well as objective and humane warnings must be carried out as best as possible," said Pipit.
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