
A total of 13 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were suspected of being victims of a criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Myanmar, were rescued through Thailand and returned to Indonesia.

"Previously they worked in online companies scamdi Myawaddy (Myanmar) and were then explored there," said Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and BHI Ministry of Foreign Affairs Judha Nugraha as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

Myawaddy is known to be a conflict area that is difficult for Myanmar officials to reach, so the Indonesian citizens must try to escape the company and cross to Maesot, Thailand, on June 7, 2023.

Upon arrival in Thailand, dozens of Indonesian citizens from West Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, East Java, North Sumatra, and West Sumatra had to undergo a national refer mechanism to identify victims of TIP based on Thai legal provisions.

The Indonesian government through the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok accompanied and provided protection to Indonesian citizens during the examination process by Thai authorities.

After being declared a victim of TIP through this process, Indonesian citizens can then be sent back to Indonesia.

"After arriving in Indonesia, we will coordinate with the Ministry of Social Affairs for the rehabilitation, reintegration, and repatriation of Indonesian citizens to their area of origin, as well as coordination with Bareskrim Polri for the law enforcement process," said Judha.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that bringing the Indonesian citizens back shows a strong commitment from the state in protecting Indonesian citizens in the midst of complex and risky security situations in Myanmar.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that preventive measures need to continue to be improved, including firm law enforcement against recruiters and increasing public awareness about the mode of fraud as an online scammer.

The repatriation of 13 Indonesian citizens suspected of being victims of TIP is an important step in efforts to protect Indonesian citizens abroad. The government is committed to continuing to oversee and ensure the safety and interests of Indonesian citizens wherever they are," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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