MATARAM - Mataram City Trade Office, West Nusa Tenggara Province, said the price of curly chilies today began to rise to IDR 40,000 / kilograms from IDR 30,000. This is due to a lack of supply.
Head of the Control Sector of Basic and Important Materials of the Mataram City Trade Office (Disdag) Sri Wahyunida said this information was received from officers who were deployed to monitor prices in the field.
Sri said, the increase in the price of curly chili is beyond predictions because it is usually always stable.
"The normal price of curly chilies is around Rp. 25,000 to Rp. 27,000 per kilogram. But today our monitoring results to the Mandalika Market and Pemberangan rose to Rp. 40,000 per kilogram," he said in Mataram as reported by Antara, Monday, July 3.
The supply of chili received by traders also decreased. Usually it receives 1-2 tons per week, but currently only about 10 kilograms.
"It could be because of the weather change factor, because it has started to rain," he said.
In Mataram City, the supply of curly chili comes from several buffer districts/cities, but the most from East Lombok and North Lombok regencies.
"But today, their supply is lacking, so what traders receive has also dropped dramatically," he said.
Related to that, his party will again carry out monitoring the following day to different markets to get more information. Sri hopes that the increase in the price of curly chilies will not have an impact on other chilies such as cayenne peppers and the usual amount.
"Today's cayenne pepper price fell from IDR 35,000 per kilogram to IDR 25,000 per kilogram, as well as large red chilies of IDR 27,000 per kilogram from IDR 28,000 per kilogram," he said.
"Residents on the island of Lombok consume more cayenne pepper. So, people have a cheaper price of cayenne pepper," he said.
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