Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Hamim Tohari confirmed that the suspect in the murder of a victim of a satay trader in Bekasi is still being handled by the Jaya 2/Cintung Military Police Detachment (Denpom).
"Currently it is still being handled by the military police because the administration of his dismissal is still in process," said Brigadier General Hamim Tohari when confirmed by VOI, Monday, July 3.
The suspect is known to have the initials DR (22). The last rank of DR is Prada or Private Two and serves at Infantry Battalion 201.
The suspect DR had the heart to kill his father named Widodo Cahyo Putra (43) because he was not given Rp. 8 million.
"The person concerned has been fired by the court since March 16, 2023 for his desertion," he said.
As is known, D (50) a satay trader was found dead with several stab wounds of sharp weapons in a shop, Pejuang Village, Medan Satria, Bekasi City, Thursday, June 29.
Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Dani Hamdani said that after the police received reports from the public, the police then checked the crime scene.
"There are several locations where we secure them, we carry out an investigation process. We confiscate the evidence and witnesses that we secure," said Kombes Dani, Thursday, June 29.
Meanwhile, according to the testimony of one of the eyewitnesses to the incident, Nurmuji (58) said that the death of the victim was known directly by his wife after performing the Eid prayer.
Furthermore, the Bekasi City Metro Police arrested the suspect who killed the owner of a satay shop in the Medan Satria area, Bekasi City, West Java.
"The perpetrator has been arrested," said Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Dani Hamdani, Friday, June 30.
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