
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) said the moment of the petik "Salam Presisi" made members of the National Police do even better. President Jokowi told President Jokowi at Bhayangkara's Anniversary on July 1

"President Jokowi's presence at Bhayangkara's 77th Anniversary was very special. The President's presence made the atmosphere more lively and lively when the President greeted the slogan 'Greeting Precision' and immediately answered the participants with 'Greetings Precision'," said Lemkapi Executive Director Dr Edi Hasibuan in Jakarta, Sunday 2 July, quoted by Antara.

Precision greetings are a slogan launched by the National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, namely predictive, responsive and transparent justice.

"The spirit that the President has expressed certainly ignites the enthusiasm of the National Police to work better," he said. According to Edi Hasibuan, the President's message in Bhayangkara's anniversary which was held at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, July 1 reminded members of the National Police that every movement of members of the National Police is now being monitored and recorded by the people.

Edi Hasibuan also praised the attitude of the National Police Chief who apologized to the public if any of his members hurt the community. "The National Police Chief is very chivalrous in expressing an open apology to the community," he said. Regarding the anniversary of Bhayangkara in 2023, Lemkapi stated that from time to time the performance of the Police was getting better, even in June 2023 the level of public trust in the Police was at 75.1 percent.

"The previous year, in the same month, it was at 58 percent due to a murder case involving Ferdy Sambo, who at that time served as Head of the Propam Division," he said.

Dia mengatakan, survei yang dilakukan Lemkapi menunjukkan keberhasilan Polri yang paling banyak diapresiasi adalah pengamanan Lebaran 2023."89 persen masyarakat puas atas pelayanan Polri dan instansi terkait atas pengamanan Lebaran," tuturnya. Keberhasilan lain Polri yang menaikkan tingkat kepercayaan publik adalah pengamanan KTT ASEAN, menyelamatkan 1.826 korban perdagangan manusia dengan menangkap 642 tersangka dan penegakan hukum dari hulu hingga ke hilir.Namun, Edi minta seluruh jajaran Polri tidak mudah puas atas capaian yang ada tapi terus meningkatkan pelayanan agar semakin baik.

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