
The Cirebon City Police (Polresta) is currently handling 14 cases of criminal trafficking in persons (TPPO) by naming 9 suspects.

Cirebon Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Dedy Damarwansah said that TIP victims in Cirebon are usually deceived and eventually become illegal Indonesian migrant workers (PMI).

"Most recently, we arrested five suspects in the TIP case by sending illegal migrant workers," he said in Cirebon, West Java (West Java), Tuesday, June 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

The 5 suspects arrested were from 4 cases handled by the Cirebon Police. Of one of the cases handled, one of the victims died while working in Saudi Arabia due to illness.

"The suspect was dispatched in 2019 using a Umrah visa and in May 2023 the victim died," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cirebon Police, Kompol Anton, said that the modus operandi of the TIP perpetrators in Cirebon on average dispatched victims to become illegal PMIs.

Anton said that when recruiting TIP perpetrators, they always lure their victims to get a large salary and take care of their departures quickly.

"The mode used by offering high-paying jobs. They are dispatched through non-procedural channels," he said.

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