
North Lombok Police Chief, West Nusa Tenggara, AKBP I Wayan Sudarmanta said the search for the amount of state losses in the alleged corruption case of the solar-powered drilling well construction project was not final. "The one from the BPKP is an investigation audit, later there will be a fingerprint audit with more detailed results," said Sudarmanta who was met in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 27. He explained that the audit of state losses at the investigation stage was a follow-up to the results of the case title with the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). "The results of the title stated that there were indications of unlawful acts. That's why there is a total loss conclusion from the results of the BPKP investigation audit," he said. With this conclusion, the North Lombok Police raised the status of case handling to the investigation stage. "It is at this stage of investigation that we must test the criminal act by asking BPKP to conduct a PKKN audit (calculation of state financial losses)," said the Police Chief. Dalam proses penyidikan, Sudarmanta kembali menyampaikan bahwa pihaknya telah mengantongi enam nama calon tersangka. Nama- nama tersebut akan diungkap ke publik setelah alat bukti lengkap. "Yes, what is the need for the indictment, of course we will complete it. If there is strong evidence, we will definitely convey the results," said Sudarmanta. Head of the North Lombok Police Satreskrim AKP I Made Sukadana previously said that his party had pocketed the amount of state losses resulting from the investigation audit from BPKP of Rp455 million. Auditors see the state loss figures that appear in this case as total loss. The auditors draw such conclusions seeing allegations of distribution and specifications of equipment that are not in accordance with the planning. The project, named the shallow groundwater irrigation work package and the completeness of the solar-powered water pump, was carried out in the 2016 fiscal year. The installation of the equipment is located at three points spread across Pemenang and Tanjung sub-districts, North Lombok Regency.
The project, which was realized using the 2016 APBD funds through the North Lombok Food and Agriculture Security Service, was reported by a community group.

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