
JAKARTA - A citter indicated rabies was trapped in the yard of one of the residents on Jalan Monument Pancasila Sakti No. 30, RT 09/02, Lubang Buaya Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta on Wednesday, June 21, afternoon. The animal panicked the occupants of the house.

Then the findings of the wild animals were reported to the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. for evacuation. Officers also deployed 3 rescue personnel to the location with one net.

"Alhamdulillah, a wild animal of the size of 50 cm long was successfully evacuated. The position of theUN is in the pool behind the residents' houses," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, Wednesday, June 21.

The initial evacuation process was carried out at around 10.35 WIB. Rescue officers equipped with personal protective equipment also brought a net to catch civets. At around 11.00 WIB, the evacuation process ended.

The weasel indicated that the rabies could be secured using a net.

"So initially the complainant saw the civet in the back pool. The pass could not come out because of the high wall. The reporter immediately called the firefighters and we managed to evacuate them," he said.

It should be noted that the East Jakarta City Government (East Jakarta City Government) has so far injected the rabies vaccine of 5,344 animals in the region to maintain the title of rabies-free Jakarta in 2024.

"Until now, 5,344 animals have been vaccinated against rabies," said East Jakarta Food, Marine and Fisheries Security Sub-dept. Ali Nurdin when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 20.

Pet animals that have been vaccinated with rabies, namely cats, dogs, civets and monkeys.

"The main goal of rabies vaccine is for pets and the community to be free from rabies. Free rabies vaccine activities are spread across 65 East Jakarta urban villages," said Ali. The East Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. targets rabies vaccines for 12 thousand pets so far this year. According to him, the rabies vaccination target for 12 thousand pets is the largest number in DKI Jakarta Province. "Our target is indeed the largest in DKI Jakarta. In total, as many as 12,000 years, the majority of animals vaccinated are usually cats," he said. Vaccination quota in each kelurahan will be adjusted to the existing potential, so that the number of each kelurahan is certainly not the same. "We are adjusting each kelurahan, whether its implementation is in the sub-district office or in the RW Secretariat," he said.

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