
TOMOHON - The Mount Lokon hiking trail in the Tomohon City area, North Sulawesi Province, was temporarily closed following the increase in volcanic activity. Head of Disaster and Preparedness Division of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Tomohon City, Melky Wanget, said that the banner contains information regarding the temporary closure of the hiking trail has been installed at the entrance to the route to the Tompaluan crater or the peak of Mount Lokon. "Hopefully, this appeal is considered by residents to prevent unwanted things from happening," he said in Tomohon, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 20. According to information from the Volcano Observation Post, early last week, seismic activity on Mount Lokon increased and smoke rose from the Tompaluan crater. "Since last week there has been an increase in volcanic activity, although currently there is still an alert status at level II," he said. "BPBD Tomohon still hopes that residents will comply with recommendations issued by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation," he added. The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation has appealed to residents not to carry out activities around the Tompaluan crater on Mount Lokon. The peak of Mount Lokon is usually a place for young people to exercise while enjoying the beauty of natural scenery on weekends.
Among the residents are heading to the top of Mount Lokon through the intersection of three in front of the Kakaskasen Catholic Church from Kinilow Village or through the tourist area at the foot of the mountain.

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