JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Muhammad Mardiono offered a strategic position as chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) to Sandiaga Uno.
"I offer to the participants. I think Pak Sandi deserves us to give the task as chairman of the national election winning body," he said while giving a speech at the opening of the VI National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 16.
Mardiono explained that as chairman of Bappilu, it is his responsibility to win PPP in the 2024 General Election. PPP has one part of an organization called Lajnah Pemenangan Pemilu (LP2) or an election winning body.
In addition, Bappilu is also supported by the witness body which will unite into one unit under Bapilu.
The PPP DPP held a Rapimnas in Jakarta on June 16-17, 2023. A number of issues were discussed, including giving assignments and positions to Sandiaga Uno and the discourse on determining Sandiaga as a candidate for vice president who was promoted by PPP.
According to Mardiono, Sandiaga Uno as a new cadre at PPP, was also given a heavy burden according to his capacity.
He also believes that there is a need for figures who can bring the electoral success of PPP in the 2024 election.
"We know that Pak Sandi has a high electoral level, so of course he must be burdened according to his capacity," he said.
In the opening of the Rapimnas, Muhammad Mardiono also announced the joining of Sandiaga Uno, who is considered a national political figure to strengthen the party's fighting line.
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