
BOGOR - Bogor City Police managed to confiscate as many as 2,148 noisy exhausts and 300 motorbike riders were ticketed. That number, Brong exhaust raids or noise that have been held since five months ago in the Bogor City area.

"For this Brong exhaust, we have carried out operations from February to June 2023, a total of 2,148 Brong exhausts that we have confiscated and around 300 tickets have been carried out to this day," said Head of Bogor City Police, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso in his statement, Friday, June 16.

According to the Bogor City Police Chief, the details of the 2,148 Brong exhausts that were confiscated included 60 Brong exhausts in the February period.

Then, 941 Brong exhausts in March. Then, 332 Brong exhausts in April. Next, 672 Brong exhausts in May. Finally, 143 Brong exhausts on June 1-14, 2023.

Regarding this evidence, the Bogor Police will coordinate with the Prosecutor's Office to be destroyed with a fan or bulldozer device so that it can no longer be used.

"Or coordinating with the prosecutor's office, so that later it will be used for useful things such as making chairs and so on, to provide benefits for the community, of course," he continued.

On this occasion, the Bogor City Police Chief also did not forget to remind the public not to use noisy exhausts. Because, his party can take action in accordance with Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Transportation Traffic.

"Violators can also be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 1 month, or a maximum fine of Rp. 250 thousand," he said.

"And for sure, there are many residents who submitted complaints about the Brong exhaust and we responded by carrying out operations, thank God they were welcomed positively from all levels of society," said Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso.

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