
JAKARTA - The DPR is ready to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the electoral system after the rejection of the lawsuit in the judicial review case Article 168 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 Year 2017 concerning Elections, so that the electoral system remains in the Open Proportional System for the 2024 General Election.

"We in the DPR fully respect and are ready to carry out the mandate of the decision from the Constitutional Court. The DPR RI obeys the State constitution," said Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, Thursday, June 15.

As is known, the Constitutional Court rejected the lawsuit with case number 114/PUU-XX/2022 which was registered by 6 people on November 14, 2022. The plaintiffs hope that the Constitutional Court will return the Indonesian electoral system to a closed proportional system.

The closed proportional system itself only allows every citizen who participates in the Election to vote on a political party image without determining who the Legislative Candidate (Caleg) will represent the people in parliament. Determination of legislative candidates who can become members of the DPR or DPRD is determined by the party based on serial numbers.

With the rejection of the request, the prevailing electoral system remains in an open proportional system, which means that each voter can directly vote for the legislative candidate promoted by the election participants. Later, the determination of the elected candidate is determined based on the most votes.

The open proportional system in Indonesia was used in the 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019 Legislative Elections. Meanwhile, the closed proportional electoral system was implemented in the 1955 Election, the New Order Election, until the 1999 General Election. Puan encouraged all parties to obey the constitution by accepting the decision from the Constitutional Court.

According to Puan, this is necessary to encourage the smooth running and success of the 2024 General Election. She also emphasized that the KPU and Bawaslu should cooperate with the Government, DPR, and security forces to ensure the smooth running of the democratic process.

"I also invite the public to follow the election in a happy and peaceful manner so that next year's democratic party will run safely and smoothly," said Puan.

Puan hopes that the 2024 General Election will be a momentum for the community to unite in the spirit of democracy.

"I believe that through democratic elections, every vote will be heard, and decisions will be made based on the collective interests and welfare of the entire nation," continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

"We believe that all candidates for leaders are the best Indonesian agents who are committed to building a better country, prioritizing the interests of the people, and upholding democratic values, justice, and social welfare," explained Puan.

Puan also invited all elements of the nation to uphold the democratic process in the 2024 election with the spirit of building a democratic, inclusive and advanced country.

"United in the spirit of democracy, we will achieve a better future and realize our vision as a sovereign, just and prosperous country," he concluded.

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