Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi deployed 100 teams to monitor and examine livestock ahead of Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijri.
Head of the Makassar City Fisheries and Agriculture Service (DP2) Evy Aprialti said the 100 teams deployed were to maximize examination and supervision of health and feasibility ahead of Eid al-Adha.
"So these 100 teams will check the ante mortem of all livestock sold for slaughter. Health is the main thing then following other requirements," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.
Evy explained that the ante mortem examination was a health check with physical animal clinical examinations and laboratory tests to find out whether the sacrificial animal was feasible and eligible to be sacrificed.
Some parts of the examination included examination of the saliva, tongue and blood sample. Is it feasible and eligible to be sacrificed, namely not deformed, healthy and not infected with disease.
This ante mortem examination only takes about eight minutes for each animal to be sacrificed.
"This is just ante mortem, just outside examination. If we take the blood sample to the laboratory, in Maros Regency, the Veterinary Center office," he said.
Monitoring and inspection of livestock collaborated with the Regional Company (PD) of the Makassar City Slaughterhouse (RPH).
"We are also coordinating with Perusda RTH regarding the slaughter process later, whether on June 29 or after," he explained.
The team consisted of veterinarians from DP2 Makassar and several universities in Makassar City. For example, Bosowa University, Hasanuddin University, Makassar State University (UNM), Indonesian Muslim University (UMI) Makassar, and others.
Evy said the teams were dispatched to check at livestock posts in each sub-district in Makassar City.
"For example, in Manggala District, we saw that there were a lot of livestock in Manggala District, one example in Tamangapa Village, there were approximately 100 houses," said Evy.
The examination of livestock will be carried out on June 22, 2023. The reason, said Evy, is that on the D-7 celebration of Eid al-Adha, usually all livestock have entered Makassar City to be sold to places of sale and selling in sub-districts.
"It will be disbanded on June 29, 2023. Later on June 22, we will release the sacrificial animal examination team," said Evy.
He said that after the sacrificial animals were examined, the team from the Makassar DP2 would provide a marker in the form of piercings to the ears of the animals and a card or certificate would also be given that an examination had been carried out.
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