
BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java thwarted a brawl between two groups by securing five people from both groups with two of them being minors.

"Now this is obtained information that the two groups will fight, namely the Melati street group or alley and the Tunggilis or FBI gang," said Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.

Bismo explained that the brawl that was thwarted by the police in the Kedunghalang Village area, North Bogor District on Tuesday (13/6) was potentially dangerous because the perpetrators carried sharp sickles.

Intention of their brawl ran aground after the Bogor City Police Satreskrim officers together with the Jajaran Police carried out patrol activities.

The five suspects were charged with the Law providing sharp weapons number 12 of 1951 with a threat of 10 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the police will pursue the members of the two gangs who are suspected of participating in the brawl but managed to escape.

The Bogor City Police, said Kombes Bismo, in the future will intensify and intensify night patrols, especially those bordering Bogor Regency.

"We also involve Brimob Polri from Kedung Halang and we also carry out enforcement activities against community diseases, including taking action against alcohol, taking action against illegal drugs, or illegal drugs, taking action against narcotics, then against Brong exhaust," he said.

It aims to respond to public complaints about crimes at night, including online prostitution that comes in through cellphone numbers that are distributed to the public.

"Thank you for the support of all the people of Bogor City so that various cases in Bogor City, we get information, input, so we managed to reveal them," said Kombes Bismo.

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