
JAKARTA - The Central Java Provincial Government was re-elected as the first province in the 2023 Regional Development Award (PPD). This is an award from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) of the Republic of Indonesia, which was received by Central Java Province for the third time during the leadership era of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

The award was handed over by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa and received directly by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo at the Jalan Taman Suropati Bappenas Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (14/6/2023). Previously, the Central Java Provincial Government also received similar awards in 2019 and 2020.

Bappenas RI also gave a special award to the Central Java Provincial Government. Under the leadership of Ganjar Pranowo, Central Java is recognized as Provinces that Start Initial Initiation for Economic Circulars.

This special award was again achieved thanks to the seriousness of Ganjar and all his staff who are committed to developing the application of new and renewable energy or EBT.

Under Ganjar's leadership, the number of independent energy villages (DME) in Central Java which currently has 2,353 DMEs. The entire DME consists of 2,167 DME initiatives, 160 DMEs developing, and 26 established DMEs.

The achievement of PPD 2023 in the planning and best achievement category at the provincial level, shows the success of the Central Java Provincial Government in carrying out government functions, especially the success of bureaucratic reform. "This success shows indications that our bureaucratic reform is running, this is an indication that his ASN friends are improving themselves, innovating and then showing their best performance," said Ganjar.

He ensured that the award would be a trigger and increasingly motivate him to complete development programs that had become targets.

"Until my term ends, cleaning up everything that has been programmed in the APBD cannot be done. But there are two priorities, the first is the eradication of extreme poverty and the second is the stunting rate, we use the budget, not only the APBD, so I explained earlier that there are Baznas, CSR, philanthropy, groups of people who care," he explained.

In addition, he also participated in completing national projects. For example, the arrangement of the Borobudur area.

"But the rest we are trying to catch up with those who have been programmed, including national strategic projects. So, yesterday we were assisted by the President to clean up the area in Borobudur. Meanwhile, poverty, there must be one data so that there is no sector ego," he said.

For information, Bappenas RI also named Temanggung Regency, as the First Best Regency in the category of regency planning and achievement. In addition, Semarang City also won an award from a similar category for the third best city level

The indicators determined by Bappenas for PPD recipient areas include the preparation of local government work plans (RKPD), quality of RKPD documents, achievement of regional development (regional targets, progress, and equivalent regions) and development innovation.

Bappenas also conducted three stages of assessment before determining the best area, namely the assessment stage of RKPD documents, the presentation and interview stages, until the last stage of verification.

Based on this, Central Java is considered to have better human development index (HDI) achievements through regional policies in the implementation of broad education, health development and the quality of development of women and children.

Central Java is also considered to have a comprehensive and consistent RKPD, between evaluation and strategic issues that occurred in 35 districts and cities in Central Java.

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