Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had made a decision regarding the latest policy regarding the COVID pandemic and the transition of status to endemic in Indonesia.
This was conveyed by Minister of Health Budi Gunadi after attending a limited meeting regarding the current status of the pandemic at Indonesia at the State Palace, Tuesday, June 13.
"Later the President will announce it, it's up to him. Earlier, it was just an update to the President regarding what the current pandemic condition is. What other countries in the G20 look like, what kind of ASEAN, then alternative policies to be taken," said the Minister of Health., Tuesday, June 13.
The Minister of Health explained that President Jokowi would immediately announce the transition of status from a pandemic to an endemic in Indonesia in the near future.
During the limited meeting, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi also reported on his meeting with the World Health Organization (WHO) last month to consult on the transition of the pandemic in Indonesia.
WHO, said the Minister of Health, appreciates Indonesia for being able to handle the COVID-19 pandemic well and being one of the few countries consulting on the understanding of the pandemic.
WHO also provides guidance so that people can understand health protocols, surveillance systems, to early detection of viruses.
This meeting with WHO is the basis for President Jokowi in making decisions regarding the determination of endemic status in Indonesia
"He has made his decision, only later the announcement will be up to him," said Minister of Health Budi Gunadi.
The spread of COVID-19 has been officially designated as a world pandemic by WHO since March 2020.
Indonesia has also entered the endemic transition in line with the sloping of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia and the availability of vaccines.
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