
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo met dozens of Jabodetabek meatball traders who came to his official residence, Monday, June 12 night. They deliberately came to invite Ganjar to eat meatballs together, as well as discuss and convey the obstacles they faced in overseas.

During the meeting, Ganjar received many stories and input from meatball traders. For example, related to taxes that are considered too high by meatball traders. To Ganjar, most of the meatball traders from Central Java also admitted that it was difficult to get a permit from PIRT.

After hearing complaints from meatball traders, Ganjar Pranowo then contacted the Mayor of Bekasi Tri Adhianto Tjahyono. Through a video call connection, Ganjar conveyed the aspirations of the meatball traders he had just heard, to the Mayor of Bekasi.

"I would like to thank my friends, meatball traders, all the way from Bekasi and they are many Central Javanese who have struggled in life. There are those who are successful, there are interesting inputs, for example, 'Sir, I still have trouble taking care of PIRT (Indonesian Household Industry Permit Certificate). I happen to know the Mayor of Bekasi, Pak Tri, earlier I made a direct call, "ready sir, we are working on it," said Ganjar.

Regarding tax issues, according to him, this must be resolved by sitting together between meatball traders and the tax officer. "So that later with the local government it can also be formulated, how much is the actual tariff suitable for them," he continued.

No less important, the Governor of Central Java emphasized that meatball traders need to find space to sell. "The third they need to get access to the space for trading," he added.

On that occasion, Ganjar really appreciated the meatball traders who were able to survive in the midst of the threat of the last Covid-19 pandemic. They innovated to create products that continue to sell well in the community, during the Covid-19 pandemic.

"This is what I think is important and it turns out that they are very creative people. For example, at that time of the pandemic they did not give up and they made frozen meatballs that they sold around. This is their way of survival and this meatball is really good. This is the way they survive and the packaging in my opinion is quite good, "explained Ganjar.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Jabodetabek Bakso Trader, Mariyanto, conveyed their arrival for friendship and also in discussions.

"Yes, we told you earlier that there were difficulties, especially regarding PIRT. God willing, he will help," he said.

That night, was a special moment for meatball traders. Because, that night Governor Ganjar was also willing to enjoy the meatballs they made together.

"It turns out that Pak Ganjar is friendly, humble and turns out he can get his own noodles, his own meatballs, his own soup can also be done. It's cool, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo," he said.

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