
JABAR - The Cirebon Regency Government (Pemkab) has protected all archives and documents for handling the COVID-19 pandemic in its area.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Cirebon Regency, Hilmi Rivai, said that the data collection could be a medium for learning and a source of knowledge for future generations.

"We are trying to protect all archives for handling the COVID-19 pandemic, so that later people can access several archives during the COVID-19 pandemic," he said in Cirebon, West Java, Monday, June 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

Hilmi said that all archives during the COVID-19 pandemic must be preserved as a form of government performance accountability. In addition, the archives can become a learning medium and a source of knowledge for future generations.

According to him, the Cirebon Regency Government is trying to save archives by asking the Archives and Library Office to be able to convert all archives into digital archives.

Hilmi continued that the archives that will be managed by the agency can be distributed to the public as disaster literacy when facing events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, many handling agendas were carried out and the files had to be archived. This is a note that must be preserved," he said.

He added that the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the disasters that has hit almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia, which is one of the most cases.

As a result of this incident, said Hilmi, local governments (Pemda) issued many policies and innovations in an effort to provide services and security for the people of Cirebon Regency.

"A strong commitment must be built by the relevant agencies, so that all archives can be properly protected," he said.

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