
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) reminded terrorism survivors, especially women, to fortify themselves and children from the propaganda flows of groups adhering to violent ideas.

This was conveyed by the Director of Protection of BNPT Brigadier General Pol Imam Margono while attending the Gathering Forum for Survivors in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) and Aceh.

"If they (terror groups) can influence women, mothers will also influence children and their environment so that the goal (terror groups) is to achieve it more quickly, so mothers must be more vigilant," he said in a statement in Jakarta, Monday, June 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

Imam reminded victims or survivors of terrorism and the public to be aware of ideological infiltration or violent understanding.

According to him, they can contribute to protecting the community in their respective environments so that they are not easily influenced by the ideology of violence.

"As a result of the incident (action of terror), the father and mother who became victims, so I remind each other, let's remind each other to take care of these ideas," said Imam.

Iman also highlighted the involvement of women in terrorism. From several incidents, it can be seen that there is a transformation that shows that women are often used by terror groups to commit acts of violence.

Therefore, he appealed to women to be more aware of propaganda, as well as ideas of violence and radicalism.

Previously, BNPT coordinated with PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (INALM) to provide psychosocial support to 40 victims or survivors of terrorism in North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

"BNPT is given a mandate to coordinate the recovery of victims, BNPT coordinates ministries at the national level, local governments, and private parties (private parties)," said Imam in Jakarta, Thursday, June 8.

Imam said the provision of psychosocial support was in order to support the recovery of survivors after the tragedy experienced and was a mandate of the Anti-terrorism Act.

Imam explained, in its implementation, BNPT issued a letter of determination for victims of past terrorism crimes.

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