JAKARTA - The deputy chairman of the Golkar Party, Erwin Aksa, is said to have not attended a clarification call regarding the reporting he made regarding alleged defamation at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
Erwin Aksa reported the chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Advisory Council, Rommy, for calling him a fraud.
"So the letter was made on June 1 to be present on June 6 yesterday, but EA's brother yesterday was not present to fulfill the interview invitation," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, June 7.
It is not known the reason behind Erwin's absence. This is because the Golkar politician and his team of lawyers did not convey any information to investigators.
Therefore, the Directorate of Cyber Crime will reschedule. The plan is that Erwin is scheduled to provide information regarding his reporting next week.
"Investigators from the Cyber Crime Directorate are planning to invite EA again next week," said Ramadhan.
Erwin Aksa reported Rommy on suspicion of defamation to the Criminal Investigation Unit on May 8. The report has also been registered with the number LP/B/90/V/2023/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri.
The reason behind the report was because Rommy was said to have accused him of being a fraud about a blank check worth Rp35 billion.
In the report, Rommy is suspected of violating Article 45 (3) in conjunction with Article 27 (3) of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning ITE and/or Article 310 (1) of the Criminal Code and/or 311 (1) of the Criminal Code.
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