
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police asked the public to report to the NTB Police Propam if they found information on misappropriation or smuggling of subsidized diesel fuel for industrial needs in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK).

Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol Arman Asmara Syarifuddin, said the Mandalika BBM SEZ was in the jurisdiction of the Central Lombok Police.

"If someone deviates in the handling process, please report it. Report it to the NTB Police Propam," he said in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, June 6, confiscated by Antara.

Arman stated that this was part of the police's efforts to maintain the credibility of the Police in the eyes of the public, especially in law enforcement.

The case, he said, is now under the handling of the Central Lombok Police. The NTB Police also entrusted the Central Lombok Police to handle the case in accordance with legal procedures.

"From us there is no information about assistance for the case. What is clear is that the case is handled by the Central Lombok Police," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Central Lombok Police, AKBP Irfan Nurmansyah, by telephone said that the handling of the case had gone through the stage of the case title. However, he was reluctant to explain the results of the title.

"It has been held, for more details, ask the head of the Satreskrim who knows more technically," said Irfan.

The case of alleged smuggling of subsidized diesel fuel for industrial needs at the Mandalika SEZ was first revealed from the findings of community groups at the end of December 2022. The subsidized diesel fuel was transported by industrial solar tank vehicle number DR-8073-SY.

On this suspicion, community groups secured and submitted the findings to the Mandalika Regional Police. The handover is contained in the receipt letter number: STP/18/XII/2022/Sek.kws Mandalika.

Following up on the letter, the Mandalika Regional Police handed over the findings of the community, complete with tank vehicles carrying 5,000 liters of subsidized diesel fuel to the Central Lombok Police.

However, the evidence is allegedly missing at the Central Lombok Police. This allegation also received attention from the community group who first carried out security.

The community group held a meeting with the Central Lombok Police by questioning the handling of the case and the existence of a subsidized diesel fuel transport tank vehicle that is suspected to be used for industrial needs.

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