Way Tenong-West Lampung Surian Building Liaison Road Is Severely Damaged, Residents Are Annoyed To Plant Eceng Gondok
The atmosphere of the damaged road conditions, which shows a banner that reads "extreme tax payments, corrects difficult roads" and puddles filled with plants. BETWEEN/


The connecting road between Way Tenong, Air Hitam and Gedung Surian sub-districts in West Lampung Regency was badly damaged and dangerous for passing road users. Based on ANTARA's monitoring at the location, the Way Tenong sub-district road, which is a connecting road between sub-districts, is badly damaged at several road points. As a result of the damaged road that has not been repaired, it can be seen that several tires that read "extreme tax payments correct the difficult road" that were displayed on the side of the road were damaged. Not only writing, but residents' frustration was also vented by giving the hyacinth or water plants that were scattered on the flooded road. Cahyono, a resident of the Surian Building sub-district, hopes that the local government can immediately repair the road to several sub-districts whose conditions were badly damaged. "The local residents hope that the government will repair the road, because many have fallen," said Cahyono while crossing the damaged road, Sunday, June 4. He also said that as a result of the damage to the road, many road users had become victims of accidents on the route. "There are many accidents, because the road is damaged, especially if the road rain day is covered with water and it is very dangerous for road users," he said again. Furthermore, Iswanto, a resident of Trimulyo who every day crosses the road, hopes that local governments will always repair the road, due to the high mobility of economic movement across the road.
"Hopefully it will be repaired soon, because the road is passed every day by carriers of produce, such as vegetables and food, as well as access in and out of tourists," said Iswanto.

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