
BANGKA - A resident of Bukit Layang, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province managed to catch a crocodile in the local Baruk River, three meters long. According to the Head of Bukit Layang Hamlet, Sultanda, a three-meter-long crocodile was caught by residents at around 15.30 WIB using a special tool designed to catch crocodiles. "The reptile cages by residents will be handed over by the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) for animal rehabilitation in Merawang," he explained in a written statement, Antara, Friday, June 2. Residents of Bukit Layang Village, Bangka, were forced to catch a three-meter crocodile in the Baruk river for allegedly pounced on a resident on behalf of Thousands (39) to death. Thousands were allegedly attacked by crocodiles on Thursday at 16.00 WIB, while with two of his friends about to install fish nets in the river. While crossing about a few meters from the riverbank, suddenly the missing victim was allegedly attacked by a crocodile, while two of his friends at that time were safe. Thousands were found in the Baruk River dead at around 09.10 WIB. The victim suffered injuries to the neck like a crocodile bite mark. According to Babinsa personnel from the Bukit Layang area from Koramil Sungailiat, Serda Turahman, when found, the victim suffered injuries to the neck such as crocodile bites.
"The victim was immediately taken to the funeral home and the plan is that after Friday prayers he will be buried in a public cemetery," he said.

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