
JAKARTA - Indonesia and South Korea (South Korea) discussed the development of a phase 4 mass rapid transit (MRT) construction cooperation on the Fatmawati-TMII route and the Bali light rail transit (LRT).

The discussion was carried out by the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi when meeting with the Chairman & CEO of the Korean National Railway (KNR) Kin Hanyoung and Korea's CEO Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Cooperation (KIND) Kang Hoon Lee in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday (30/5).

The meeting was met attending the International Civil Aviation Organization's Global Implementation Support Symposium (ICAO GISS) 2023.

"Indonesia and South Korea are committed to ensuring the sustainability and completion of the two projects, which are currently in the stage of preparing a feasibility study for both the prefeasibility study (FS) and the feasibility study (FS)," said the Minister of Transportation in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

KNR and KIND are two companies from South Korea that are part of the Korean Consortium (Korean Consortium/K-Consortium) for the phase 4 MRT development project, along with one other company, namely Samsung C&T.

The commitment to continue the MRT Phase 4 development project Fatmawati-TMII route has been shown, including through the signing of a cooperation commitment between PT MRT Jakarta and K-Consortium through a government and business entity cooperation scheme (KPBU) or public private partnership (PPP).

Next, the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for both parties in November 2022 in Bali in the side of the G20 event, which was witnessed directly by the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono, and Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation of South Korea Hee-Ryong Won.

"We, through the Directorate General of Railways, have written to the Governor of DKI Jakarta regarding the study (pre-feasibility study) that has been carried out by K-Consortium.

"Currently, the study is being evaluated by the DKI Provincial Government as the person in charge of the MRT Jakarta phase 4 development project," said the Minister of Transportation.

Regarding the Bali LRT construction project, the Minister of Transportation said that it is currently in preparation for a feasibility study.

"This feasibility study or FS will later be funded through an official development assistance (ODA) scheme from South Korea. Meanwhile, the construction funding will be carried out through the KPBU scheme," said the Minister of Transportation.

He said he was optimistic that with good commitments from both parties, the two railway projects would achieve significant progress and be completed according to the target time.

"I welcome and encourage further participation and cooperation from KNR, KIND, and other private South Korean companies, in the development of transportation infrastructure projects, especially in the development of railways or other transportation infrastructure projects in Indonesia," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Korea National Railway (KNR) is a South Korean national rail company, which operates a railway network across South Korea and is responsible for the management, maintenance and development of rail infrastructure in the country.

Meanwhile, MIND is a company responsible for the development of infrastructure and urban development outside South Korea, which acts as a facilitator, coordinator, and investor in government-private partnership projects or PPP globally.

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