
The Solo Embarkation Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) has repatriated one Hajj candidate from Semarang Regency who is a member of the 17 flying group (kloter) to his area due to his health condition.

Public Relations of PPIH Embarkation Solo Gentur Rama Indriyadi said the prospective hajj on behalf of Sarju Amad Toyib (89), from Semarang Regency, was postponed to the Holy Land due to his health condition.

"One prospective pilgrim who was postponed to depart was based on a letter from PPIH Embarkation Solo Number 21/PPIH-SOC/05/2023, as of May 29, 2023," said Gentur at the Hajj Dormitory Donohudan Boyolali, Central Java, Monday, May 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

Gentur explained that the prospective hajj was postponed after the final health check, namely shortness of breath and chest pain. Another reason, he continued, was that Sarju was not there to accompany the pilgrimage.

He continued, he was accompanied by regional officials and then returned to the area.

Previously, PPIH Embarkation Solo also repatriated Rumisih Salidin Kanafi (76), a pilgrim who is a resident of Demak who is a member of batch 7. Rumisih was sent back to his area because of his health condition.

According to him, based on an analysis from the Solo Embarkation health team, it was stated that he had severe dementia, so it was not feasible to fly to the Holy Land.

Meanwhile, there are four pilgrims who are still undergoing treatment until Monday, May 29.

The four, namely two people from batch 18 were treated at the Indonesian Air Force Hospital and two others from batch 16 were treated at Moewardi Hospital Solo.

Meanwhile, another prospective pilgrim underwent observations at the Solo Embarkation Polyclinic.

To this day, the Solo Embarkation has received 360 prospective pilgrims from Temanggung Regency, bringing the total to 6,792 prospective pilgrims. Meanwhile, there were 5,731 prospective pilgrims who had been flown to the Holy Land, up to batch 16 as many as 5,731 people.

"Prospective Hajj Embarkation Surakarta batch 16 as many as 360 full seats have been dispatched to the Holy Land through Adi Soemarmo Boyolali Airport, at 18.35 WIB, bringing the total that has been dispatched to 5,731 Hajj candidates," he said.

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