
PEKANBARU - The police have named three suspects with the initials OF, BC and AF for the deaths of Dericson Siregar, a worker in the work area of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) in Siak Regency, Riau.

The Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Riau Police, Kombes Asep Darmawan, explained that the three people were named suspects because they did not work according to standard operating procedures (SOP).

As for OF as the operator of the drill floor, BC as a drilling worker and AF as a drilling controller.

"The victim, Dericson Siregar, died of FOSV iron (full opening safety valve) which was used as a water weight (down) regardless of the hook so that it fell on the victim's head and hands," said Asep, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.

Asep said the deadly incident occurred because of the transfer of the air-fisting from outside the workboard to return the air-fist steel rope to the inside.

However, the use of FOSV iron is not allowed as a weighter. FOSV should only be used if there is a wild burst that occurs in the oil pipe.

"Actually, FOSV was not used according to the SOP at the work location. Related to that, it was found that three suspects had neglected to cause the victim to die," he continued.

As a result of his actions, the three suspects were charged with Article 359 of the Criminal Code with a threat of five years in prison.

As previously reported, an oil well worker in the PT PHR working area in West Minas Village, Siak named Derison Siregar (23) died during oil drilling, Wednesday (18/1/2023).

At that time the victim lowered a number of equipment from the work table to the ground and his partner as an operator operated the air crisis.

Separately, the victim and other colleagues pushed the object that was associated in the air-hoist to get out of the work table fence and then the object was lowered to the ground and then released from the hook of the air-fist.

The operator named Bayu (29) asked the victim and his partner Octa (45) to give a lifting or down signal. Because the operator position cannot look up because the canopy is closed.

After the FOSV was lifted through the monkey board hole, about 20 meters from the floor table, suddenly the FOSV in the form of hundreds of kilograms of iron fell on the victim until he finally died.

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