
JAKARTA - The plan to arrange working hours in Jakarta is still ongoing. The DKI Provincial Government will hold a further focus group discussion (FGD) to discuss the mechanism for dividing working hours with stakeholders.

The stakeholders who will be invited to discussions range from the company, workers, office building managers, to academics.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that later the DKI Provincial Government would ask stakeholders to think about ways to make working hours arrangements realized without making office building operational costs swell.

"When the FGD later, we will involve the whole thing. It is hoped that in the FGD later, everyone will think, from the shopping center association, from the management building association how, from the worker association. From there, it can only be concluded which one will be taken," said Syafrin at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, May 25.

In the FGD working hours arrangement which was held in November 2022, there were concerns from the group of entrepreneurs and building managers that the division of working hours would result in their expenses being greater. At that time, the solution to the working hours arrangement mechanism could not be produced.

"In the previous FGD, what is feared is that with the extended time, what about costs that appear, for example, in management building, the electricity will also increase, then also with the man power in charge," said Syafrin.

Therefore, in the follow-up FGD later, the DKI Provincial Government offers a distribution distance for working hours of only two hours, namely 08.00 and 10.00 WIB. The option to adjust this working hours will be responded to by the parties.

"Now DKI Jakarta has an alternative time. As soon as it's 08.00, then go home at 16.30. Then those who enter at 10.00 will automatically go home at 18.30. So, the additional costs are not as great as the difference when 4 or 5 hours," he explained.

Previously, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, invited shopping centers to offices to discuss effective working hours arrangements to overcome congestion problems in DKI Jakarta.

"We talk to the private sector, the central government, offices around Thamrin, we chat. We also talk to the building associations, malls," Heru said on Friday, May 19.

Heru explained that his party already has the concept of employee entry hours which can be divided into two sessions, namely 08.00 WIB and 10.00 WIB.

"The entry of each building must be half, at 8.00 WIB with 10.00 WIB," continued Heru.

According to Heru, the distribution of the employee's entry hours can make it easier for employees to take their children to school first.

"It (the employees) came from the house at 6.00 WIB and the school children first, at 7.00 WIB he (goed) to the office at 8.00 WIB," said Heru.

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