
SEMARANG - Semarang Polrestabes conducted a pre-reconstruction of the case of the death of ABK (16), the daughter of the Acting Governor of Papua Mountains, Nikolaus Kondomo.

This reconstruction presented the suspect Ahmad Nashir (22) who underwent 45 pre-reconstruction scenes at one of the boarding houses on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur, Semarang City, Thursday, May 25.

The Head of the Women and Children Protection Unit of the Semarang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Adjunct Police Commissioner Ni Made Sriniri, said that apart from the suspect, six witnesses were suspected of knowing about the incident at the boarding house were also presented in the pre-reconstruction scene.

The scene began with the arrival of the perpetrator who was riding the victim on a motorbike in the boarding house parking lot. The scene continued in the boarding house room number 40.

According to Made, all scenes were carried out in accordance with the suspect's investigation report. "The scene at the boarding house was in accordance with what happened at that time," he said, quoted by Antara.

The findings of new facts in pre-reconstruction, he continued, will become material in further investigations.

Previously, the Semarang Police were investigating the death of a 16-year-old woman in a boarding house on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur, Semarang City, which occurred on Thursday, May 18, 2023.

Several witnesses were examined in connection with the incident, namely the person who took and took the victim to the hospital.

The crew victim was taken to the hospital before finally dying. It was later discovered that the victim was the son of the Acting Governor of Papua, Nikolaus Kondomo Mountains.

From the crime scene, the police secured a number of evidences of several bottles of alcoholic beverages of various types.

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