JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) reminded the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to immediately detain Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan after being questioned as a suspect in alleged bribery in case management. Do not let them hesitate to make forced efforts because there is sufficient evidence.
"If there is sufficient evidence and two pieces of evidence and the determination of the suspect is valid, he will be detained," MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman told reporters, Wednesday night, May 24.
"By not being detained, maybe the impression is that the KPK doubts the evidence so it is not detained.... So it is perceived differently," he continued.
In addition, Boyamin also said that without Hasbi being detained, he could disrupt the investigation of the case that ensnared him. Moreover, there is no guarantee for the KPK if the suspect does not run away
"Not being detained has the potential to influence other witnesses, have the potential to eliminate evidence, and also have the potential to escape. What is the KPK guarantee that the suspect Hasbi Hasan will not be detained," he said.
Previously, Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan was still able to breathe fresh air on Wednesday, May 24. He did not wear an orange vest and was handcuffed after being questioned by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as a suspect in alleged bribery in case management.
From VOI's observation, Hasbi left around 17.00 WIB from the investigator's examination room after being questioned since morning. He stated that he was ready to follow the ongoing legal process.
"As a citizen, I will obey the legal process," Hasbi told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, Wednesday, May 24.
Hasbi did not want to talk much about his examination as a suspect. Including, there are allegations of receiving luxury cars such as McLaren related to case management in the Supreme Court.
"Regarding investigators, go ahead, I can't explain," he said as he walked away from the KPK building.
Apart from Hasbi, former Commissioner of PT Wika Beton Dadan Tri Yudianto was also not detained. In fact, he was also summoned as a suspect in this case.
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