Mukomuko Bengkulu Prone To Tsunami, BMKG Immediately Install Detection Devices
Officers from BMKG and BPBD Mukomuko survey the location for the installation of tsunami early warning equipment, Wednesday (24/5/2023) ANTARA/HO-personal documentation


BENGKULU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) plans to install tsunami early warning tools around the coast of Mukomuko Regency which has been eroded by abrasion. "The BMKG has conducted a survey of the location for the installation of tsunami early warning equipment on Air Punggur Beach in this area. BMKG plans to install a tsunami siren on the beach," said Head of the Emergency Division of the Mukomuko Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Ahmad Hidayat Syah in Mukomuko, Bengkulu Province, Wednesday, May 24, confiscated by Antara. He said, of the 10 districts/cities in Bengkulu Province, this area chosen by the BMKG was the target of the tsunami early warning tool installation. Then, the BMKG has established the Air Punggur Beach located on Jalan Lintas Sumatra in this area as the location of the tsunami early warning tool. "The activity of installing tsunami early warning tools on the coast of this area is a BMKG program so that they determine its location," he said.

Ia mengatakan, pihak BMKG berencana memasang alat peringatan dini tsunami di pinggir pantai yang tergerus abrasi di daerah ini dalam tahun ini juga.Menurutnya, alat tersebut selain memberikan peringatan dini apabila terjadi gelombang tsunami, alat tersebut cepat mendeteksi keadaan yang tidak wajar pada air laut."Alat pendeteksi dini tsunami ini berbunyi apabila air naik secara tidak wajar," ujarnya.Sementara itu, daerah ini selain dipasang alat peringatan dini tsunami oleh BMKG, ia mengatakan, pihaknya juga mengusulkan pembelian enam sirine tsunami kepada BNPB untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat di daerah ini terhadap bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami."Kita usulkan enam sirine kepada BNPB untuk dipasang di wilayah yang rawan tsunami di sepanjang pesisir pantai di daerah [Bengkulu]," ujarnya.Instansinya selain menyampaikan usulan pembelian sirene tsunami secara tertulis serta menyampaikan langsung usulan peralatan untuk peringatan dini tsunami kepada BNPB.Sebanyak 24 desa dan kelurahan yang berada sepanjang pesisir pantai di daerah itu yang rawan terkena bencana alam gempa bumi disusul tsunami.

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