
The police have tightened security from the rampant acts of robbery in Palu, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi). "So the perpetrators we have arrested are on average recidivists," said the Head of the Palu Police, Kombes Pol Barliansyah in Palu, Wednesday, May 24, confiscated by Antara. He explained that the recidivist was a former convict who had been admitted to a correctional institution (Lapas) as well as became an inmate but then acted again. Previously, two thieves with the initials SY and MS who were residents of Palu City were arrested after stabbing a driver on Jalan Bantilan, Kelurahan Lere, West Palu District, Thursday 18 May. The modus operandi of the perpetrators, namely by pretending to run out of gas. The perpetrators sought help to push their motorbikes to a quiet place and then launched their actions. Meanwhile, another recidivist with the initials AW was arrested by officers on Monday 16 May. AW is a recidivist in a motorcycle theft case.

Barliansyah mengatakan, pihaknya telah mempelajari terkait tindakan kejahatan yang dilakukan para pelaku dan saat ini turut menggandeng pihak jasa ekspedisi pengiriman barang guna meminimalisir tindakan pencurian motor (curanmor) di wilayah Kota Palu."Kami turut melibatkan pihak jasa ekspedisi dan berkoordinasi serta bekerjasama, yakni setiap kendaraan roda dua yang dikirim keluar dari kota ini harus memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan yang sudah dibicarakan," tuturnya.Menurut dia, hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meminimalisir keluarnya kendaraan roda dua yang merupakan hasil curian dari Kota Palu.

He also asked the entire community to always be careful and vigilant with the rampant crime.

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