
The rain that hit Sukamulya village, Rumpin, Bogor Regency caused landslides of cliffs as high as 30 meters along 35 meters. As a result, the road connecting Bogor Regency with Tangerang was disrupted.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Bogor Regency, Aris Nurjatmiko, said that his party received a report on Tuesday, May 23.

"Public facilities are affected by the connecting road between Bogor Regency and Tangerang Regency," said Aris in his statement, Wednesday, May 24.

Even though it was affected, Aris said that the condition of the road could still be passed by vehicles. However, there needs to be further handling by the relevant agencies because there is a concern that there will be further landslides.

"Currently, the village road connecting the Regency of Bogor and Tangerang Regency which were affected by the landslide can still be passed by vehicles," he said

"Further handling is needed by the relevant agencies, it is feared that there will be further landslides and distance from landslides to settlements of about 4 meters," he added.

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