
MADIUN - Madiun City Resort Police (Polres) officers handled "wist" or clashes between fighters from different martial arts colleges that occurred again in Madiun City, East Java.

Madiun City Police Chief AKBP Agus Dwi Suryanto, said the friction occurred on Jalan Trunojoyo, Madiun City. As a result of the incident until Sunday night, dozens of officers from the Madiun City Police and the local TNI were still on standby at the scene.

"We are still handling this case further. Police officers and the TNI are still on standby to make the atmosphere around conducive," said AKBP Agus as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 21.

According to him, based on information from a number of witnesses, friction occurred after halal bihalal activities carried out by the Winongo Tunas Muda Loyal Heart Brotherhood fighter in the Ponorogo area.

When the direction returned to Madiun City, at the scene of the incident, which was the basis of another silat college, suddenly there was friction for no apparent reason. As a result of these frictions, there were clashes in the form of throwing stones at each other from the two masses.

Seeing the stone-throwing action, the police who escorted and guarded the silat college group returning from halal bihalal activities immediately intervened so that it did not cause severe damage to local residents' settlements and caused casualties.

The police chief added that in order to anticipate further friction, a number of local police and TNI officers were still on standby at the scene.

His party appealed to Madiun residents, especially members of the pencak silat college, to exercise restraint and not to use personal problems as a source of inter-organizational commotion that triggers disturbances in security and social order.

"We urge the warriors of each university to exercise restraint and protect our beloved and proud city of Madiun to remain conducive," he said.

In addition to guarding the scene, he continued, the police also increased patrols at intersections to anticipate activities that disrupt public security and order.

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