
TANGERANG - Father and son were reportedly swept into sewers or sewers when heavy rains hit Jalan Lombok, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, South Tangerang.

Head of Tangsel City Emergency and Logistics, Faridzal Gumay, said that his party received a report on Sunday, May 21, at 18.14 WIB.

"There were 20 South Tangerang BPBD officers deployed," said Gumay when confirmed, Sunday, May 21.

Gumay admitted that he did not know the chronology of the incident when the father and son were swept away. Because the officers are still searching.

Meanwhile, a local resident, Yayan explained that the incident started with the screams of a small child who said that a boy was swept into a sewer.

"Where is it? This sewer seems to be near my house. The idea of the sewer was straight, I went back to the alley again, I saw the sewer was not straight, I turned (branched) back again," said Yayan.

Arriving at the scene, Yayan received information that the victim's father had gone to the sewer to look for his son. However, until now the father and son have not been found.

Gotnya itu dalem-dalem, arusnya juga deres. Saya juga dapat kabar dadanya juga nyebur nih. Duanya enggak ditemu nih, ucapnya.

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