
JAKARTA - Thousands of people from the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam, cultural observers, millennial communities, MSME players, village heads, and religious leaders throughout South Sumatra (Sumsel) welcomed the arrival of a presidential candidate (readpres) from PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo in Palembang City.

There, Ganjar attended an event entitled Silaturahmi and Safari Budaya in Bumi Sriwijaya at the Main Dining Hall, Wisma Atlet Jakabaring, Palembang City, South Sumatra, Saturday, May 20.

The arrival of Ganjar, wearing a PDIP red shirt, became the center of attention. At the Main Dining Hall, Ganjar was greeted by the performance of Syarofal Anam's music and all those who were waiting in the hall.

They spilled around Ganjar and fighting for just shaking hands or photos together. The screams of those who mentioned Ganjar's name also enlivened the atmosphere and the loud cheers were also heard.

Then, Ganjar was greeted by Sultan Palembang Darussalam, His Excellency Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IV Jayo Wikramo Raden Muhammad Fauwaz Diraja and sat next to him.

At that moment, Ganjar was invited to play Syarofal Anam's artistic musical instrument in front of all those present. Ganjar, who played the musical instrument, was accompanied by lively applause.

"Thank you, everyone, always be healthy," said Ganjar to those who had welcomed him.

Present at the event were Sultan His Majesty Beby Sri Mardiana Putri Sriwijaya as Chair of the event, His Majesty Prince Suryo Vebri Al Lintani, His Majesty Raden Heri Mastari, and the family of the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam.

Also present were the Chairperson of the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Equality Education Forum for South Sumatra Province Al-Habib Muhammad Helmi Shahab, Chairman of 3 FKPPS of South Sumatra Province KH Harun Rsyid, Chairman of the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Islamic Boarding School KH Soni Suharsono, and Chairman of the Az-Zakiyah Islamic Boarding School Shahabiya Habib Abdullah.

Then the Chairperson of the Islamic Boarding School Forum throughout Palembang City Ustadz Suskito, the Head of the Darul Funun Islamic Boarding School Ustadz Dr H Faisal Abdullah, the Head of the Tahfidzul Qur'an Al Atqia Ustadz Joni Saputra, and the Head of the Abi Ummi Islamic Boarding School Ustadzah Melawati.

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