
BOGOR - The Jakarta Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) officially announced the implementation of the Biskita Transpakuan Bogor tariff which will take effect on Saturday, May 20.

The application of tariffs per road worth Rp. 4,000 per person was decided based on the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 55 of 2023, concerning Types and Tariffs of the Volatile Type of PNBP for Urban Transportation Services with the Buy The Service (BTS) Scheme at the Ministry of Transportation.

Director of BPTJ Transport, Tatan Rustandi said, the Rp4,000 tariff will be charged to passengers each time riding Biskita Transpakuan Bogor.

That way, if on the way passengers need to change corridors or routes, passengers will be charged another tariff.

"Regarding the implementation of integration rates and special tariffs for students/elderly/disabled, we are currently still conducting studies and continuing to coordinate with all relevant stakeholders. We hope that in the future it can be implemented immediately," said Tatan Rustandi in a press statement received, May 19.

Tatan Rustandi also conveyed that the payment method for Biskita Transpakuan Bogor still applies cashless payment using non-cash cards as before when it was still free, where passengers simply put a non-cash card on the Tap on Bus (ToB) device in the Biskita Trans Pakuan fleet.

The payment method of Biskita Trans Pakuan still applies cashless payment using non-cash cards. For non-cash payment cards that can be used, namely E-money from Bank Mandiri, Tapcash from BNI, Flazz from BCA and Brizzi from BRI," explained Tatan.

The Bogor Transpakuan Biskita service is a pilot of the Buy The Service scheme as an effort and strategy of the Ministry of Transportation to stimulate the provision and development of sustainable mass transportation.

The presence of a bus that is comfortable and safe is always a priority. This is in line with the direction of the Minister of Transportation which emphasizes the importance of developing urban mass transportation.

It is hoped that the application of the Biskita Trans Pakuan tariff can provide stimulus to other mass public transportation services in Bogor City to improve their quality so as to create a healthy competition climate.

Meanwhile, the President Director of Perumda Trans Pakuan Bogor City, Rachma Nissa Fadliya, said that regarding the determination of this tariff, it is the authority of the Ministry of Transportation's BPTJ.

"God willing, in the future there will definitely be improvements, whether it's related to integrated rates, differences in student and elderly rates," said Nissa as she is called.

"So it is indeed the focus that is currently implementing tariffs, hopefully in the future we will try to develop them, including if for example later it is possible to have a card for several people," he continued.

Separately, the Head of the Bogor City Transportation Service (Dishub), Eko Prabowo, hopes that with his service rate, Biskita Trans Pakuan can get better and better services.

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