
JAKARTA - PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid stated that until now no other names have been proposed as presidential and vice presidential candidates in the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR). This was said by Jazilul in response to the names of the general chairmen of political parties outside the PKB and Gerindra coalitions, which became vice presidential candidates. Jazilul emphasized that PKB and scholars are still waiting for the final decision of Ketum Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin and Ketum Gerindra Prabowo Subianto regarding the names of KKIR presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"So far, no other name has been determined or discussed except Mr. Prabowo and Gus Imin. We are all administrators, cadres, and clerics of PKB figures who are waiting for the final decision on the names to be announced by Pak Prabowo and Gus Imin," said Jazilul, Tuesday, May 9. As for the name of Golkar Chairman Airlangga Hartarto as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate, Jazilul ensured, it was just a rumor.

"That's just the result of analysis and speculation. Because we stick to the cooperation charter that the presidential and vice presidential candidates are in the hands of Pak Prabowo and Gus Imin," said Jazilul.

However, if until the end of May there has been no decision regarding the vice presidential candidate, Jazilul said, it could be that PKB will take another alternative. "If until this month, the decision has not been made or the decision is not in accordance with aspirations and expectations, of course it would be better to take more rational and aspirational options," he said.

Even so, he added, until now PKB still adheres to the cooperation charter with Gerindra.

"Just wait, the option can be considered while walking. We are still committed to a cooperation charter," he continued.

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