Otista Road Closure, Vehicles Leading To The Middle Of Bogor City Decreased
Traffic of vehicles on the Tugu Kujang section of Bogor City, Sunday 7 May (VOI)


BOGOR - Bogor City Police Traffic Unit, recorded a decrease in the flow of vehicle traffic entering Bogor City this weekend. This is because some motorists prefer to toll gates on the edge of the city to avoid closing Jalan Otista in the middle of the city.

Based on data from the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, Sunday, May 7, the number of vehicles leaving the Bogor Toll Road leading to Bogor City was recorded at 10,341 vehicles or a decrease of 1,535 vehicles compared to Saturday, 11,876 vehicles.

"Compared to last Saturday, there was a decrease of 12.92 percent or 1,535 cars. On this Sunday the traffic flow in Bogor City was busy," said Head of the Bogor City Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Galih Apria, Sunday, May 7.

He said, the decrease in vehicle volume was due to the shift in and out of vehicles. Usually vehicles entering Bogor City via the Bogor Toll Gate lead to the middle of the city, now motorists prefer alternative to toll roads at the BORN Toll Gate.

"Because of the closure of Jalan Otista, motorists prefer to go in and out at toll gates on the outskirts of the city not in the middle of the city," he said.

Therefore, continued Galih, currently there is a tendency to shift the density of traffic flow which is usually at the Bogor Toll Gate now on the BORN Toll Road.

Usually on weekends the BORN Toll Road is crossed by around 11,000 vehicles this weekend, totaling 12,000 vehicles. Meanwhile, on weekdays around 7,000 vehicles this week were recorded at around 11,000 vehicles.

Furthermore, Galih assessed, this is estimated because there is a diversion in the flow of traffic due to the revitalization of the Otista Bridge from May 1-8 November 2023.

The work, which takes seven months, makes traffic engineering necessary to avoid access to a one-way system (SSA) on Pajajaran Street from the direction of Tugu Kujang.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, SSA access is still valid from Suryakencana, BTM Mall, Bogor City Hall to Sempur Field to Jalan Pajajaran again, traffic conditions do not mean traffic congestion and on average it is busy smoothly.

People who need to go further are about 4 kilometers to get to their destination from the direction of East Bogor, Ciawi, Puncak, the Bogor Toll Exit to the Central Bogor area, such as Bogor City Hall, Bogor Station and BTM Mall via Jalan Pajajaran turn at Simpang Jambu Dua keep going smoothly.

On the other hand, there is another option for residents of East Bogor to access Simpang Sukasari to Bondongan, BTM Mall to other Central Bogor areas.

However, said Kompol Galih, the choice made the two points of the Sukasari Intersection at the Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari roundabout and Simpang Jambu Dua potentially more congested than usual at certain hours.

"However, the traffic density can be overcome by placing personnel at every point to carry out a one-way system if necessary," he said.

Galih said, to facilitate traffic flow, the Bogor City Police and the local government will evaluate traffic engineering by considering temporarily stopping the SSA and making it two-way.

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