
Deputy Chairperson of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Yandri Susanto said the name of the presidential candidate (candidate) whose party will be promoted is still in the process of internal discussion and maturation of PAN.

Yandri did not mention a definite name that PAN would carry as a presidential candidate.

"If we support Ganjar, whether he supports Prabowo or something else, it is still being discussed, it is still being finalized within the PAN party," Yandri said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 6.

But Yandri said Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo became two names that strengthened internal PAN as a vehicle for presidential candidates.

"That the tendency between Prabowo and Ganjar, yes, internally the party is indeed strengthening, but there are also supporters of Anies (Baswedan)," said Yandri.

According to him, the decision regarding the presidential candidate that PAN will carry is in the hands of the General Chairperson of PAN Zulkifli Hasan. This is as mandated in the PAN National Working Meeting some time ago.

"Who will decide later, of course, it is the party mechanism that will decide the final word and one of the things to not be too difficult to decide, then the National Working Meeting has given a mandate to the general chairman. So, it's up to Bang Zul (the greeting for Zulkifli Hasan) who will be decided later, whether Prabowo, Ganjar, or there are other names," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the Central Executive Board (DPP) PAN Bima Arya Sugiarto said Ganjar Pranowo was still a strong internal candidate based on the results of the party's national working meeting (rakernas).

Bima Arya, when interviewed in Bogor City, Friday (5/5), said that even so, PAN had not yet decided to officially support the Governor of Central Java, which had already been declared by the PDIP party and supported by the PPP party.

"Not yet, it is still being discussed internally by PAN. Not yet," he said.

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