
TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemnlu) is still trying to evacuate 20 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are trapped in Myanmar's conflict area.

Young Diplomat Direktorat Pelindungan Warga Negara Indonesia Kementerian Luar Negeri, Rina Komaria mengungkap berbeda proses evakuasi penyelamatan WNI di Myanmar dengan Sudan.

He explained that the process of evacuating Indonesian citizens in Sudan was carried out during the ceasefire process so that the warring party provided a safe route for evacuation. Meanwhile, he said, the evacuation in Myanmar was not the case.

The evacuation process in Sudan is different from what we are facing in Myanmar. In Sudan, there are two warring parties who agree on a ceasefire humane break, Rina told reporters at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, Friday, May 5.

"And at that time, international citizens in Sudan could be taken outside Sudan. That's what happened in Sudan. In Myanmar there is no agreement on the blasphemy," he continued.

In fact, said Rina, the local government authorities were unable to enter the conflict area where it was suspected that there were Indonesian citizens. Because, it is controlled by armed groups.

"The area where Indonesian citizens are located is where those controlled by rebel groups whose own authorities cannot enter," he said.

However, his party will continue to seek information so that it can save 20 Indonesian citizens who are in Manyamar.

"Ibu Menteri Luar Negeri Retno LP Marsudi secara intensif melakukan pertemuan duba besar kita di Bangko dan KBRI kita di Yangon agar dapat memetakan bagaimanaman membebaskan WNI tersebut," tutupnya.

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