
The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), confirmed that there were reports from the Head of Kanamit Village regarding orangutans starting to enter the plantations of local villagers.

"We have followed up on the report and immediately coordinated with the Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) for handling the orangutan," said Head of BPBD Regency Pulang Pisau, Osa Maliki at Pulang Pisau, Thursday, May 4, confiscated by Antara.

After receiving a report on Monday, May 1, said Osa, the local BPBD immediately dispatched personnel to the field to find the location where the orangutan was seen by residents.

The search was also carried out by deploying drones to determine the position of orangutans, which in the report had begun to enter the plantation area of residents.

According to Osa, based on information provided by personnel in the field, orangutans are not only one group but a group. The number of orangutans observed reached six orangutans.

"Today, officers from the BKSDA plan to go to the field to conduct a survey and if possible, immediately carry out the evacuation process, so that the orangutans can be transferred to a better habitat," he said.

The public is also asked not to be careless, if they find orangutans around their environment so they are not involved in legal matters and can immediately report to related parties.

According to Osa, the emergence of orangutans in residents' plantations and approaching settlements is more due to the habitat and the food chain of orangutans is starting to decrease. The existence of forests that are native habitats has begun to be eroded by the progress and developments of the times.

The local BPBD, he explained, is ready to assist the BKSDA in the process of evacuating the orangutans.

The previous village head of Kanamit Hadi also confirmed the emergence of several orangutans in plantation fields belonging to residents of RT.001. The appearance of orangutans in this plantation, of course, makes residents afraid to move in the garden.

Hadi revealed that for the last few days orangutans have been seen roaming the plantations owned by residents. It is suspected that the appearance of these orangutans is to find food because the forest where their habitat is decreasing.

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