BEKASI - Bekasi Metropolitan Police are investigating allegations of sexual harassment cases against female employees by company leaders with the mode of spending the night together at hotels as a condition for extending work contracts.
"At the Satreskrim, we have also opened a reporting service with allegations of similar cases," said Bekasi Metro Police Chief Commissioner Twedi Aditya Bennyahdi as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 4.
Twedi admitted that until now no one has visited the Bekasi Metro Police Headquarters to make a report on the case.
However, he confirmed that the investigation into the alleged case was already underway. Officers are currently investigating the case by coordinating with the Bekasi Regency Government.
"We are coordinating with the Bekasi Regency Manpower Office. Update on the development of this case can be asked to the Criminal Investigation Department," he said.
The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java is also investigating acts of sexual harassment within the company considering that there are allegations that there have been violations of regulations from aspects of social, moral, and legal norms.
Bekasi Regent Dani Ramdan said the search for the case was carried out in coordination with the West Java Provincial Manpower and Transmigration Office, which has been carrying out the monitoring function of the company.
"Employment supervision is currently under the authority of the provincial government. Therefore, we are coordinating and collaborating with the West Java Manpower and Transmigration Office, especially the Employment Supervision UPTD which oversees the working area of Bekasi Regency," he said.
Dani also asked the female workers who were victims to immediately report the incident to the Bekasi Regency Manpower Office.
Reports of victims in order to find out and study the alleged incident along with the complete chronology. The victim's report will greatly assist local governments in the investigation process.
"We really hope that the victim will report the incident to the Bekasi Regency Government. Through the Bekasi Regency Manpower Office. Because on the basis of the report, we will be able to be faster and more accurate in following up on the alleged case. If it turns out to be proven fact, this act cannot be justified either from ethical, moral, or legal aspects," he said.
The Bekasi Regency community was shocked by allegations of sexual harassment allegedly committed by company leaders in the Cikarang area who required female workers to spend the night together at the hotel so that work contracts could be extended.
The issue, which was widely circulated on social media, emerged after being uploaded by Jhon Sitorus through his Twitter account @Miduk17. In fact, he assessed that the problem had become a common secret among Cikarang workers.
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