
JAKARTA - Victims of abuse by the son of the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) official, David Ozora, began to enter school after being discharged from Mayapada Hospital, South Jakarta.

"As of today, we have attended school. This school is part of an educational assessment to see David's psychological and cognitive developments," said David's attorney, Mellisa Anggraini, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 3.

Mellisa explained, this school is the goal of monitoring David's cognitive development, from mentality to memory so that he recovers quickly.

In some ways, he said, it is still difficult for David to distinguish between what is real and natural or just imagination.

"One of the reasons the doctor sent David home is to get a natural environment so that his cognitive memory can recover faster," he said.

In his studies at school, David is not forced to study academically but feels the atmosphere in school such as meeting friends so he can socialize.

The entry of David at this school is part of cognitive therapy related to motors so that it is taught from calculating, distinguishing colors to speech therapy.

Moreover, David also routinely checks his health two to three times a week to Mayapada Hospital so that it stabilizes again.

The development of GP Ansor's son, based on the doctor's statement, is that the medicine has been reduced, is still undergoing physical training for motor balance and increasing weight.

"The muscle mass in the leg disappeared a lot during treatment, so the doctor asked to pursue a ten kilogram weight target and now out of the hospital up two kilograms," he said.

Mellisa added that David's entry to this school received a lot of support, especially from his teachers and friends who were committed to helping David's health development.

Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta, allowed the victim of the persecution of Mario Dandy Satrio, David Ozora, to return home after undergoing treatment for 53 days on Sunday, April 16.

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