
JAKARTA - President Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority (BPOLBF)wat Fatina revealed that a number of locations have been arranged to support the 42nd ASEAN/ASEAN Summit Summit Summit (KTT) which will be held on 9-11 May 2023.

The locations in question are in the Waterfront Labuan Bajo area, Jalan Soekarno Hatta at the top and bottom, the location of the view of Puncak Waringin, Batu Cermin to Loh Buaya on Rinca Island, which some time ago was visited by President Joko Widodo and his family.

"Facilities at Komodo Airport have all been repaired and prepared to welcome ASEAN Summit guests as well as Nusantara tourists and foreign tourists who come," he said in The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.

He explained that port activities would be carried out through Labuan Bajo Port, so that the embarkation for all tourist ships would be carried out through the Marina area.

On the other hand, according to him, all industry players in the Labuan Bajo area are enthusiastic about welcoming this summit, including local governments, communities and churches who also urge their followers to be able to create a conducive atmosphere during the activity.

"There are even special instructions from the church to ensure that all Labuan Bajo people can create a conducive atmosphere in this activity," he said.

The presence of the ASEAN Summit which coincided with this peak season, where a number of hotels had been booked a year earlier by tourists, also caused competitive availability.

However, there are other alternative accommodation that can be used, such as the phinisi ship and the Sinabung Motorboat (KM) owned by PT Pelni which can accommodate hundreds of people used by the committee and the security team.

The community also took part in renting out a place to live to help increase the number of accommodation.

"The principle is that everyone is very happy and ready to make the ASEAN Summit a success," he concluded.

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