
The Director of Traffic of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, Police Commissioner Djoni Widodo, said that the number of traffic accidents during the implementation of Operation Ketupat Rinjani 2023 increased compared to the previous year. "In terms of quantity, the number of accidents at the Ketupat Rinjani Operation momentum this year has increased. This year there were 32 traffic accidents, up two cases from the previous year there were 30 cases," said Djoni Widodo, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2. Qualityly, he continued, traffic accidents decreased based on indicators of the number of victims who died. The victims died from accidents this year as many as nine people, decreased compared to the previous year's data recorded by 11 people. "So, the number of accidents increased, but the quality of the victims died decreased. The serious injuries also decreased, as well as minor injuries decreased," he said.

Despite the increase in the number of accidents in terms of quantity, Djoni stated that the implementation of Operation Ketupat Rinjani 2023 was running safely and conducively. "We can see from the activities of homecoming and Eid holidays at the end of last month, there was no traffic jam. The security situation in the community is also generally described as safe and comfortable," he said.

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