
DENPASAR - The man with the initials ABU (26) has been named a suspect in the case of spreading nasty videos / sports with a Balinese girl with the initials M (26).

Head of Sub-Directorate V Cyber Ditreskrimsus Bali Police AKBP Nanang Prihasmoko said that from the investigation it was discovered that the female victim did not initially know that her nasty video with her ex-girlfriend was scattered. The victim chose to report to the police after the viral video footage spread.

"Feeling that it was defamation (good name) of the private video, then (the victim) made a police report. On the basis of the police report, then we carried out a more intense investigation into the people suspected and then narrowed down based on the victim's statement that the one who did this was his ex-girlfriend," said AKBP Nanang, Tuesday, May 2.

From the report, the police arrested a man with the initials ABU, the victim's ex-girlfriend in North Denpasar.

"The person concerned spread the video through Telegram social media by creating an anonymous account," said Nanang.

On Telegram's account, the perpetrator spread photos of the victim including nasty videos. After the video went viral, the perpetrator deleted the Telegram group.

"And for the original video that was distributed, the perpetrator still kept the back-up on his computer device. (The distribution of the video, ed) was done by the perpetrator because he felt hurt that the victim cut ties with the perpetrator and blocked the perpetrator's number," continued Nanang.

Previously, according to the police, the perpetrator had threatened female victims about the spread of pornographic videos.

"Because it was decided then (the victim) was invited to reconnect communication, but the number was blocked and his communication did not respond so that his ex-girlfriend felt offended and then threatened the videos of his collection (spread)," he said.

Regarding the watermark 'Om Bejo', the police said that the porn video of the perpetrator and the victim was indeed distributed by other people through Telegram's account.

"There are other people in this WATERmark. A search will be carried out on other accounts. We will investigate the account," said AKBP Nanang.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 27 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions and Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 of the Pornography Law.

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