
JAKARTA - A number of passengers on the backflow of the Eid homecoming at Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Ciracas District, East Jakarta began to appear congested. Even so, on the second day of Eid this has not yet become the peak of the arrival of the backflow of travelers. The number of backflow passengers that occurred only as the holiday together ended on Tuesday, April 25. However, there has not been a significant increase. The head of the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni said, as President Jokowi appealed, the number of bus passengers on the backflow of homecoming began to increase since Tuesday morning. "From government and private employees because they have started working tomorrow on April 26, so they arrived today for preparations tomorrow," he told reporters, Tuesday, April 25. From observations, the out-of-town buses arriving at Kampung Rambutan Terminal are still dominated by close-range bus passengers. The passengers are from West Java, Central Java and East Java. As for President Jokowi's appeal regarding the postponement of homecoming, it seems that it does not affect the return of travelers at the arrival Terminal in Rambutan Village.

The reason is, from the passenger data of the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, the number of buses that arrived on April 24, yesterday recorded 5,188 passengers with 365 bus fleets. "Until now, the arrival of the bus is still in normal condition. From the east to here, one way traffic engineering has been carried out, meaning that until now there has been no delay arriving at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal," he said.

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